Business Meeting 12/02/2018


We were reminded that if anyone has any questions or concerns to ask or state them at the meeting. You might not be the only one that has that question or concern.

We were also told by the Barony that forming any sub-groups within the Canton for reasons such as finance is not only against SCA regulation but is also illegal since we are part of a non-profit organization.

Update 2018/01/11: It has been noted that it is fully within regulation and legal to have a finance committee, but that very specific guidelines must be followed such as who must be in attendance (a minimum of 3 members including the group Seneschal and Exchecquer) and that there must be published meeting notes detailing approved expenses and other activities.  

It has been suggested that we as a group begin to post meeting notes online.

The topic of making loaner gear was brought up. We need to get a list or pictures of what we collectively already have, and a list of the gear we need as well as the details on what materials are needed to make it.

An Arts and Sciences day has been suggested.

Call of the Waterhorse

Banners are being made for the head table at this year’s Call of the Waterhorse Feast. Vector images for the Canton, Barony and Kingdom devices will be needed.

A vote has been made and unanimously approved for submitting the Call of the Waterhorse logo to become an official badge associated with the Canton.

A bid has been submitted for the Barony’s 50th anniversary. Special attention was brought to the number of porta potties.

Classes for PayPal are being held at Val Day this year. Several members of the canton plan to attend so we can start using it for the 10th year of Call of the Waterhorse.

New Business

Aris End Starre was awarded the Award of the Shimmering Leaf.

Ideas for more exposure were brought up for walking in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Bay City and the Santa Parade in Midland.

Bryn and Horatio are looking into the availability of cabins in Gladwin for use with an Arts and Sciences gathering.

We are looking into the availability of the Midland Armory for use as a potential event location.

The next meeting is to be at 1:00 PM EST on January 27th at the Saginaw Barnes and Noble.

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